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How To Choose Your Sound Velocity Profiler Supplier
Elizabeth Bluesky
A sound velocity profile is obtained when speed of sound is plotted against ocean depth. Instruments that provide this facility are generally known as sound velocity profilers. These instruments are vital in oceanographic surveys as they deliver critical data pertaining to currents.
Sound velocity profilers can use a digital time of flight sound velocity sensor to provide very precise sound velocity profiles. Some devices additionally have a 0.01% pressure sensor, and feature a synchronised sampling method to guarantee that all sensors are sampled at exactly the same point during a profile.
Profilers can be made from titanium and utlise a large memory making them appropriate for rapid profiling down to 6000m depth.
Capabilities of sound velocity profilers incorporate genuine accuracy of 0.02m/s (Total Error Budget), Precision (peak to peak noise) of 0.002m/s, operating range of 1375m/s to 1900m/s (covering all environments from fresh water to the Dead Sea and the Marianas Trench) and data rates up to 60Hz (instrument dependent).
They also design,produce, sell and support a variety of sea based engineering products to support various related Industries. These industries range from Oil and Gas, Conservation, Port and Harbour Authority Management and the Military and Defence Industry. However they all possess a typical demand and that is the accurate recording of marine conditions and the ongoing alterations to those conditions and situations.
A number of Sound Velocity profile Manufacturers also make and distribute a number of hydrographic and oceanographic Instruments and Equipment. All of these products are inter-related due to the very characteristics of the fresh water and sea water environments in which they operate. The scenarios found in each of these environments, which may well vary significantly in composition, temperature and pressure, demands that the manufacturing of these hydrographic devices must be as sturdy as possible and not susceptible to corrosion or reaction to their operating conditions.
As a consequence, Sound Velocity Profile Suppliers and Manufacturers, are first and foremost precision engineering enterprises that have adapted their expertise to produce and manufacture high quality engineered merchandise for the marine environment.
There are a variety of similar products that sound velocity manufacturers also normally make. These are, Current Meters (sometimes called Current Flow Meters or Tidal Flow Meters),Sound Velocity Profilers, Sound Velocity Sensors, Wave Recorders and Echosounders (or Bathymetry Equipment). All of these instruments have uses that relate to the accurate recording of fluctuations within the marine environment that result in the variation of composition, conductivity or direction, depth, speed, water temperature, or pressure.
These instruments may be branded to have a variety of product names but essentially they carry out the same generic operations but with different focus.
From a real life usage point of view, the following project and application types apply, namely, Oceanographic Survey, Military or Defence, Metrology and Positioning Systems, ROV (Remote Operated Vehicles) and AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) Applications, Hydrometric Measurement Projects and Surveys and Seismic Issues, Harbour Operations and Studies and Port Operations, Dredging Operations, Scientific and Academic Projects relating to the marine environment, Oil and Gas Industries and Renewable Energy.
Sound velocity profile suppliers with these manufacture capabilities will be able to advise on the most suitable solution for the job at hand and the marine environmental conditions that the sound velocity profiler will operate in.
Valeport are an Oceanographic and Hydrometric Instrument and Equipment Manufacturer and a Sound velocity profiler Supplier. Established in 1969, Valeport designs and manufactures
sound velocity profilers for the oceanographic, hydrographic and hydrometric communities, with a worldwide customer base that includes: environmental, defence, oil and gas, renewable energy, construction, dredging and civil engineering sectors.Article Source: ArticleRich.com