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By Roberto Sedycias
Modern life means that a cell phone (telefone celular) is a basic requirement. The user can be contacted at any time, can get assistance in an emergency and can stay in touch with anyone when anywhere on the globe. Travel plays an important role in mobile phone use, particularly in the world of business. Excellent deals can be cut whilst on the move and there need never be anther office crisis. It is generally agreed that the mobile phone (telefone celular) has a positive impact on modern life. However, cell phone usage can also have its down side.
To use a cell phone (telefone celular) whilst driving is extremely dangerous yet many people choose to drive and make or answer calls. It is important that people become more aware of the effects of using a phone whilst driving to help prevent further accidents from happening. The importance of the matter is being slowly reflected in laws, with outcomes ranging from fines, to detrimental effect upon licenses, and even imprisonment. Some countries allow for emergency numbers to be called, and stopping would result in accident. Many countries now ban all types of cell phone use, whilst others have a ban on it only. If a driver is thought to have used a mobile phone whilst in an accident, they can be prosecuted for dangerous driving.
To use a cell phone (telefone celular) whilst driving put the driver four times more at risk of a crash. This means they are four time more likely to injure or kill themselves or another person. Recent research has revealed that using a mobile phone whilst driving is even more dangerous than drink driving. Studies show that responses are 50% slower than normal when using a mobile phone, and 30% worse than under the influence of alcohol. The reason behind this is the distraction. Using a cell phone (telefone celular) create visual, auditory, physical and mental distractions.
Distractions to this degree have a series of possible effects. When using a cell phone (telefone celular), a driver is less likely to notice road signs, is more likely to drive too close to others, and find it difficult to maintain a regular speed so display erratic driving. Using a mobile phone can mean many things; it is not just restricted to calls. Cell phone usage also includes reading or responding to texts, being logged into the internet, pictures and using the phone camera.
Hands free kits were invented to counteract the problem of driving using cell phones (telefone celular). However, recent studies have labeled the hand free phone accessory is just as dangerous. The hands free kit is equally distracting, and though it is not prohibited in many countries, it should not really be used. If it is completely necessary, then the call should be kept brief and any emotionally stressful or distracting calls should be ended immediately. Although the hands free kit is allowed, it can still be used as evidence to prosecute if considered a cause for a road accident.
To stay safe, the best action you can take is to take notice of laws and never use your cell phone (telefone celular) whilst driving. This includes using it to even look up numbers or check the time. a momentary lapse in concentration could have fatal results. Turn your mobile phone off and use the voicemail messaging facility as this encourages you to check and use only when safely parked. Remember, even if you are in slow moving heavy traffic; do not use your cell phone as weather conditions and unexpected events can still cause an accident.
Leave any received texts until later, and never try to send one whilst driving. Pull over if any text or call is vital. If you use your mobile device (telefone celular) for work, then make use of use government guidelines. The increased problem of driving whilst using cell phones has caused government initiatives and information services to spring up all over the world. And finally, be equally vigilant with others; hang up if you call someone who is driving.
About the Author: This article can be accessed in portuguese from the Article section of page
polomercantil.com.br/celular.php Roberto Sedycias works for PoloMercantil.com.br Source: isnare.com
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